

Join the mailing list: Send a mail to if you want to use a non Google email address.

Join the slack

Various meetings are held at different times across worksteams and general meetings, the meeting calendar is always up to date and you can get invitations to the meetings via the mailing list!

You can also follow us on Twitter: @inclusivenaming and LinkedIn

Get your company involved

We are currently looking for representatives from different organizations to work on this initiative collaboratively. The best way to join as a company is to Join the mailing list: , and identify yourself and your company.

Project leadership will then work with you to identify who in your company needs to be involved and what your best contributions can be!

View the project board and file issues

The Project Board is where we track the work being done for the Inclusive naming initiative. You can also file issues for work you’d like to see or open questions you have via the inclusivenaming/org repository .

Make changes in your projects

Use the resources we’ve compiled so far – the Word replacement list , Implementation path , and the Language evaluation framework and start making changes in your own projects! This is the most impactful way to get involved and our goal as an initiative.

Approach other projects

Outreach to other projects, to encourage them to change their language, needs to be handled carefully, patiently, and compassionately. We’ve collected some tips on approaching projects to increase your chances of success.