Word List: Tier 2

Term: sanity-check


Recommendation donated from the IBM Inclusive IT Language Initiative Words Matter working group

Related Terms

  • sanity-test

Usage Context



Recommended Replacements

  • confidence check
  • coherence check
  • test
  • verification

Unsuitable Replacements

  • N/A


This term might be derogatory to neurodiverse people. Jargon, such as “sanity test”, is difficult to translate and is difficult to understand by readers whose first language is not English.

Note: The original recommendation via IBM’s Words Matter group included different recommendations, but INI liked [Twitter’s recommendations][twitter-recs] of “confidence check” and “coherence check” and have opted to use them instead.

Term Status


Supporting Content

[twitter-recs] (https://www.mediaite.com/news/twitter-bans-sanity-checks-company-announces-plan-to-make-code-more-politically-correct/)